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How long do you keep my files?

At beCreatives, we aim to maintain a smooth workflow and ensure proper file management for all our clients. To keep things organized and efficient, we follow specific archiving and deletion protocols. Here’s a detailed breakdown of how we handle files for both active and canceled clients:

For Canceled Clients

  1. Requests in Editing:

    • Any requests currently in the "Editing" stage will be moved back to the "Queued" status.

  2. Queued and Ready-to-Review Requests:

    • All queued or "Ready to Review" requests will have their associated assets deleted after 1 month.

For All Clients (Active and Canceled)

  1. Requests Ready for Review:

    • After 1 month of being in the "Ready for Review" status, requests will automatically be moved to "Completed."

  2. Archiving Completed Requests:

    • For requests marked as "Completed," the final revision files will be archived after 3 months, while all earlier versions will be deleted.

  3. Uploaded Request Assets:

    • Assets uploaded for a request will be archived 3 months after the request is completed.