Turnaround times

In this article, you will go through all the bells and whistles of working with beCreatives

Hi, my name is Kristupas and I will guide you through all the bells and whistles of working with beCreatives!

As you can see, we have the general estimates for the most common videos based on their length.

Basically, the more complex the video - the more time it will take the editor to deliver.

Complexity depends on the length and size of footage, lack of timestamps or briefing and the amount of animation / VFX. Click here for a more detailed explanation.


What videos do we edit?

Here at beCreatives we work with almost all different types of audio-visual content. There are however, some limitations to what we can edit:

  • We don’t edit wedding films

  • We don't edit feature films

  • We don't edit adult videos

  • We don't edit music videos

  • We don’t do animation only videos & films (like Disney)

  • We don’t do voice-overs, but we do work with the ones that are provided

  • Inappropriate requests that are slanderous, offensive, or anything that is against beCreatives’ core values

We don’t edit wedding films

We don't edit feature films

We don't edit adult videos

We don't edit music videos

We don’t do animation only videos & films (like Disney)

We don’t do voice-overs, but we do work with the ones that are provided

Inappropriate requests that are slanderous, offensive, or anything that is against beCreatives’ core values

Other than that, we’d be glad to take a chance and edit what you need. Challenge is what keeps our business growing!

Registering to Space

Starting work with us is easy! Go to space.becreatives.co, sign-up and once you login, select the plan that fits your needs and add-ons that you need.

Fill in your Profile with the contact information:

Then set up Company information:

Company information consists of a couple of fields, starting with the billing information, which will be used for invoice purposes (see an image above).

On the right side of the screen (see an image above) you can see all the beCreatives subscriptions that you currently have and options to add more, or cancel them.

Then just set up your business information, fill in all the fields that you feel will be useful to provide better quality service and click submit when you are done.


At the very top of the menu, you will see the Dashboard:

Here you can start a new request, continue your draft and see all the requests that are currently submitted. If your video request needs more information or is missing files, you will be notified in the “needs attention” field.


In the top right corner of Space platform, you will see a bell, clicking on it will reveal all the newest notifications that you might have missed.

You will also be receiving Space notifications to your email and will be able to see them in your Dashboard.


Before submitting your first request, we recommend that you set up your companies or clients brands. In the menu you will see the brands section:

Open it, click “Create new brand” and fill in all the necessary information for it: name, description, brand book, color pallet, etc. We recommend also uploading your logos, fonts or still shots that can be used for thumbnails and engaging elements.

Using brands will save you time when submitting requests and give the editor easy access to all the information, cutting down on turnaround times. This way you don't need to upload this information with every request, as you can select the brand that you've created when submitting it.

Feel free to add as many as you want! Just remember that Scale plan is limited to 2, while Pro plan has unlimited brands that we can edit.


Below the Dashboard, you will see Requests:

This will be your most useful window, as it shows all information about the status of your videos. The window is split into 4 blocks - Queued requests, Delivered requests, Completed requests and drafts.

Request types

In the request section, you will see 5 request types: Queued, Editing, Delivered, Completed and Draft.


Queued requests are the ones that are waiting in line. The top has the highest priority, while the bottom has the lowest.


Requests in the Editing section show the requests that are being worked on. Whether it's a new request or a re-edit, it will appear in the Editing stage.


Delivered requests are the ones that are ready to be downloaded by you. You can click on any of them and preview the video, write a message and request a re-edit.

If you are happy with the video, click complete and the request will move to the Completed tab.


Here you can see all the requests that were done. These have all final files uploaded (different sizes you selected, thumbnails, etc.) that you can download.

P.S. Completed requests can not be requested for a re-edit, so make sure you complete them only when they are good to go. If you run into a situation where this request needs changes, either contact your editor directly, or submit a new request.


In the draft tab, you can create video requests as drafts, which can be used to plan the videos that you will edit with us.

You can schedule videos you will be filming, write scripts, notes, ideas. When you are done filming, just upload the footage and submit them for your editor!

Duplicating your requests (time saver)

When looking at your request, you will see the Action section on the right. In the Action section, you can click “clone” to make a copy that requires only a new video file to be ready to be submitted again:

This is a great way to make a lot of similar videos, where the only difference is the footage or some notes itself.

Submitting a request

To submit a request, click on the "Create request" button in the top left of your screen.

Fill out all the information in the request form. Select the video type, title and resolutions that you need.

Select the brand that your video will be made for and upload all the footage and assets that the editor will need. You can upload everything to Space or just add a link to your cloud storage, like Google Drive or Dropbox.

PRO TIP #1: Send us a compressed file (like .zip or .rar), so that the download process is smoother and faster.

If you need a specific runtime, set the length that you want your video to be. Write the description of what you want or attach a script. Add timestamps from the footage if you have a specific idea in mind.

PRO TIP #2: Adding footage timestamps will greatly improve the turnaround times.

Select the type of subtitles that you want and check if you need a progress bar or an end card.

Add examples from your previous videos, the web or our video gallery, of what the video should look like, or just the feel that you want to capture, if needed. If you're adding a few examples, you can specify the features from each example that you've liked.

Select the Priority of the video and click submit and your request will be automatically sent to the editor or save it as a draft for future use.

Reviewing requests, revisions

When the request is submitted you will see everything that is happening in the Requests section of Space:

From here on, when the request is ready for review, click on the request to access our easy to use commenting page:

Here you can leave timestamps and info to your editor of what changes you want to do. Space will automatically track where in the video you've stopped and add this timestamp in the comment if the checkbox is checked (see the image above, checkbox is marked in red).

You can also communicate with the editor about specific changes via Space chat, slack or jump on a call.

Once You are done reviewing your request, click “Approve " if you are happy with it or “Request Edit” if you want to tweak some elements of it:

Completing requests, workflow of requests

When the request is approved by you, the editor will prepare the final files and resized versions (if specified) for you to download. These final files can include resized videos, thumbnails or other elements that you've asked for.

Once final files are prepared, you can click on "Complete" to move it to the "Completed" section.

Never ending editing cycle

At beCreatives, with one subscription plan we work on one video at a time.

If you, for example, submit 2 or more requests (recommended) and don’t review the edited video immediately, the editor will start editing the second video as soon as they upload the previous one for review. This is done to deliver your content as fast as possible!

P.S. If you want to maybe first tweak your first video to perfection (which we recommend), then just ask your editor and they will edit the second video only when the first one is done.

Communication with your dedicated video editor

Here at beCreatives, we believe that clear and simple communication is one of the main things that lead to a quality video. You are free to communicate with your dedicated video editor by any means that you find comfortable. Such as: Revision tool, Space chat, Slack, Online call (Zoom, Google Meets, etc.), Email and other.


It’s really important to have the first call after onboarding with your editor, to understand your clear needs, ideas and also to figure out better turnaround time estimates. Oh and you’ll also make a new friend, which is always fun!

Hopefully this article sets you up for an amazing journey with beCreatives! If you have more questions feel free to contact us, or check out other articles on our Help Center.